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Alpha Blitz

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From the designer:

Object of the Game: cooperatively hold off the Alien attacks until [1] you can repair the ship and take off or [2] a rescue ship arrives. Player(s) win by escaping the planet and lose if all of them are slain by the Aliens. In Alien Uprising players use actions and unique character skills to help the team reach the goal of survival and escape. The game can be set to higher levels of difficulty for more experienced players.

Tensions have been high with the alien "bug" races of the galaxy and your ship has crash landed on the planet Hive IV, one of the more renegade "bug" planets. You quickly set up perimeter force fields and begin surveying the surrounding terrain for debris from your ship - it is scattered everywhere. Then you see them - at first a few "bug"scouts, but then the numbers begin to increase all around you - archers, slashers, and even the monstrous brutes. This is more than a scouting party - this is a war party! They begin to attack the shields as the crew starts to retrieve debris. The SOS has been sent and a ship in the sector has responded, but can it get to you before the "bugs" overwhelm your crew? Can you repair parts of the ship and use it as a defense? Can you repair the hull and fire up the engine to lift off? All is up to the players in this desperate struggle to survive Alien Uprising.

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