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Zhu Zhu Pets

Zhu Zhu Pets

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Loose, Good, 8 in-stock
Loose, Fair, 1 in-stock


Pick your favorite Zhu Zhu pet and explore your very own HUMONGOUS hamster city!  Nurture them, feed them, hear them chatter and love them as you scoot and scamper through an awesome maze filled with chutes, tunnels, twists, turns, ramps and jumps for endless fun for everyone!Each Zhu Zhu hamster has its own unique personality and whimsical sounds! Help them scoot, scamper, bump n' boogie through the crazy maze as you unlock more cool stuff the further you go in the hamster habitat! Collect all your favorite hamsters as you rule the Zhuniverse!

  • 9 different Zhu Zhus, play with Patches, Nugget, Winkie, Jilly, Scoodles, Pip Squeek, Mr. Squiggles, Chunk and Num Nums! + 10 babies!
  • Multiple Zhu Zhu toys including, the hamster ball, car and skateboard.
  • 30 unique levels filled with secret passages, food, coins, upgrades, and babies.
  • Care for each of your Zhu Zhu pets to keep them happy! 
  • Explore the slide park, skate Park, nursery, bathrooms and more!
    • Drive around in little cars, zip up ramps and spin down slides, run in the hamster wheels, and get into all sorts of crazy situations!

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